
This IP 192.168.l.2 is the address of your wireless router.Most of the wireless router producing brands accustomed to it. Most of the top router manufacturing companies add default private ip address which works your own IP address. You can change that ip address easily.Which advantages gives this IP address 192.168.l.2 ?Getting to 192.168.l.2 you need to log in as a completely authorized user. Gives you the opportunity to get to your gadget with full approval, making changes and playing on all exchanges that are offered to you.Security choices, system administration, Proxy, DNS, IP Qos, WAN, LAN, WLAN configurations,MAC, ADSL, DSL, WPS changes, for example, blocking, system administration.How can I get the IP address 192.168.l.2 ?There are much infomations in the internet,but much of the information for 192.168.l.2 is out of date and in some places inaccurate or misleading. In fact, 192.168.l.2 and are the same.If you have a problem with remembering your router's password or username, you can find the default from Default router password list,if you have changed it ,you need to reset your router.