What is the use of router memory?

What is the use of router memory? The larger the memory of router, the better?Our small and medium router, it also has processor, memory, storage and other hardware, equivalent to a micro-computer. So, what's the use of router memory? When buying a router, do you choose a product with large memory or small memory?As we all know, when it comes to"memory", we usually think of computer memory, mobile phone running memory and so on. In fact, many devices have memory, such as small and medium routers in our home. In fact, it also has processor, memory, storage and other hardware, which is equivalent to a micro-computer. So, what's the use of router memory? When buying a router, you should choose a product with large memory or small memory. Interested friends should not miss it.

Will the larger the memory of the router, the better?

Whether it's PC or mobile phone, the larger the memory, the smoother the device is, so the bigger the better. In routers, the same is true, of course, the larger the memory, the better.

What's the use of router memory?

For routers, the larger the memory, the larger the data cache space, and the more difficult it is to block large amounts of data.Because most router devices are long-term, they will not shut down or restart for several weeks, a month or even a year or two. For a long time, they will occupy more and more memory space, and are prone to congestion, which will lead to slow and unstable network connection. Generally, restart routers to release memory can be obtained. To solve.If the memory of the router is large enough, this means that it is not easy or possible for this kind of data jam to occur for a longer time. On the other hand, with the advent of the era of smart home, the demand for networking of household appliances is increasing. Large memory routers can provide stable connection escort for more devices, and the whole family can share freely online, while ensuring the smooth operation of more plug-ins.If the memory of router is relatively small, if there are more connecting devices, there may be insufficient memory, resulting in various network jamming, slow connection and other problems.Therefore, router memory is also an important parameter, which determines the router's multi-device connectivity, data cache processing and so on. At present, most of the common routers have 64GB memory, and the better ones are 128GB, 256GB or higher. For consumers, if there are fewer devices connected at home, such as less than 10, ordinary routers are also adequate. If there are multiple device users or large light data, it is recommended to choose routers with larger memory as far as possible, the stability will be better.